Tagged: OAM

Sklovsky Grigoriy (Grisha) 0

Шкловский Григорий Абрамович/Sklovsky Grisha

Шкловский Григорий Абрамович (SKLOVSKY, Grigorij Abramovitch)  -Member of the Order of Australia (AM) -получил награду 9 июня 1980 за услуги в области радиовещания( for service in the field of radio broadcasting). Родился в Сретенске, Сибирь, 6 октября 1915 года. Умер в Мельбурне, 9 января 1995 года. Получил образование в университете...


Березовская Марина Георгиевна (Нарбут) /Berezowsky Marina (14.2.1914-1989) -OAM

It is hard to conceive of anyone who has contributed more to the broad spectrum of classical and folkloric dance in Australia than Marina Berezowsky… Trained in the Soviet Union, she was a towering figure of authoritative dignity — passionate, inimitable and inspirational — in ballet and folk dance. http://www.smh.com.au/comment/obituaries/great-leader-and-teacher-of-dance-20110712-1hc2h.html...

http://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/nasielski-ksenia-27035 0

Ксения Насиелски/Ksenia Nasielski (1920–2015) – OAM

Ksenia Nasielski, nationbuilder and linguist, lived in Cooma New South Wales, having grown up in Estonia and having escaped from terrible dangers in the second world war. http://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/nasielski-ksenia-27035 In Europe Ksenia was born Ksenia Nomm in Leningrad (previously and later, St Petersburg) on 12 February 1920. Her mother was Russian...